Thursday, February 18, 2010



Who out there is like me...??? Do you think of drinking water as medicine?? I must admit I I wrote a little poem to see who may want to take the "Let's Get Drunk on Water...Challenge". You need only be like me...Just at this point in your life you don't like to drink water.... *8* glasses a day are you kidding me???? No, not 8... even
Weight Watchers let's you slide by drinking less let's shoot for 4 glasses of water a day...that sounds do-able right?
I wrote this a few years ago to some co-workers who were complaining about being out of Diet Coke in the vending machine at the office.
..........WATER IT DOES A BODY GOOD! .............
TODAY is officially "Water" day. I have declared it!!
So take a sip ...Drink a glass. Maybe 3 or 4. Drink as much as you can hold and then drink some more.I've been reading and we're never gonna loose any weight if we're not drinking water. So put down the Coke~diet or not. Drink alittle water a whole glass or alot. The fat runs out when you have a glass....You'll thank me later for your smaller A_S.

Came across it today and it seemed a GREAT subject for the blog...I don't like's true I love it mixed with tea, and lemonade....I'm just not a WATER DRINKER...I try but I usually have to doctor it up with lemons and a sweetner...then and only then... can I get it down.I keep hearing the more you drink water the more you'll crave it so...if this works You will be witnessing a miracle. Do I have any takers???? Come on admit it half the battle is admitting this tiny little flaw.... of being the un-water drinker.