...I LIKE BEING 46...
46 Things about Me. Because today is my 46th birthday.
1.Today November 5 is MY BIRTHDAY.
2.Favorite Ice Cream : RockyRoad
3. Favorite Donut: Glazed
4. I don't like scary movies but enjoy love stories.
5. I struggle with my weight.
6. I workout 3-4 times a week
7.I'm a Christian (not religious) just love the Lord.
8. Favorite Drink: Ice Tea (sweet)
9.Favorite Actress: Meryle Streep
10. Love the smell of fresh cut grass.
11. I enjoy mowing the yard.
12. I don't keep live plants in the house cause I'd kill them.
13.My kids: I have a grown son and a daughter-in-law and a step-son.
14. Favorite food: Mashed potatoes
15. I love all kinds of music
16. I can keep a secret
17. Love to shop resale It's New to Me
18. Am very close to my mom and grandmother
19. Love my mother-in-law
20. I don't like to drive on ice
21. Clothing: I love black
22. When I was little my hair was blonde (now only Loreal knows)
23. My grandaddy called me cotton-top
24. I met my husband at Lowes
25. I'm constantly rearranging the house
26. I sleep great when it's raining
27. If not careful I can be very mothering
28. Love to sew household items
29. I am not a perfectionist
30. Favorite TV Show: funniest videos
31. Love to Paint (come from 4 generations of painters *men*)
32. Consider shoes to be a need not an accessory
33. Can't wear high heels due to a back injury
34. Enjoy sitting on the porch
35. Have great respect for my husband (he's a brainiac)
36. Ride a motorcycle and own a white one.
37. Stand by the scripture "do unto others as you would have them do unto you"
38. Own a cat but prefer dogs
39. Only want to live in Historic Homes
40. My new favorite color: off-white now as the dominant color
41. Am a homebody
42. Only type about 40 wpm
43. Love the smell of coffee but don't drink it
44. First drink of the day Diet Coke
45. Love to find a good trash discard
46 Am spontaneous.