I have collected Silver and
Silver plate Silverware for years. I do not buy them because they are collectible.I buy them because they are works of art.
I have ... "A thing" for old silver and silver plated silverware. It truly is a ...thing...I love how intricately they are scalloped with detail. I rarely buy more than 1 piece of a pattern but gather them up one by one. One pattern at a time. For some reason I've ended up with lots of knives (probably because forks and spoons are used more often and discarded by their owners).
By laying these out today that just means I need to look for more spoons and forks....

Over the years I have gathered some duplicates but not many their patterns have been jotted down in my brain by my loving eye.

This small
silver plated tea set not a set to the tray...just a nice addition...at one time I had probably 12-20 teapots I've scaled down since.
I still can't help being drawn to them.
I place things in open drawers for display for "myself". I feel much like Maureen O'Hara in the movie "The Quiet Man" with John Wayne when she says, "I'll not rest myself until I have my things about me... " or something to that affect...How many of you can identify with that one?
A few years back I had a house fire and lost so many things...they can all be replaced...a reality. However why not enjoy them while we have them???

I showed these last week in a previous post however I zoomed in this week so you can have a closer look.

As always thanks for stopping by...
Today's the last day for Silver Sunday. So jump in....
See previous post for details. Have a blessed Sunday.